Welp that answers where the nomes came from... and that Six is a Cannibal.
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Play the game yourself here | http://store.steampowered.com/app/424840/Little_Nightmares/
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I've never seen any of the other Little Nightmare videos, so I have no clue what was so important about that wiener. I absolutely hate the sight of humanoid dolls, however. Paintings with people and faces on them, photos of people on walls and in frames on furniture, and even humanoid statues/sculptures are all major no-nos for me. My house has none of that.
The video quality was pretty bad. Made it difficult to see what you were looking at in all that darkness. I did spot the peeking head behind the books before you pointed it out.
I LOVE Little Nightmares, and if anything I think you should play it yourself. This is a DLC from it is all, so if you haven't seen the prior ones it won't make sense. But like it hit me sooo bad because it gave me the feels and I'm like, "Ohhhh noooo...". I just KNEW it was gonna happen. AUGH! Yeah out of all the characters in the game, the dolls got me. Ha ha! XD I do have some creepy dolls, and I actually DO have some weird porcelain doll a relative pulled out of the attic (and now sits in my room in a pink box...).
Sadly I had to do a couple extra things just to import this video to edit it in Vegas. It just didn't finalize right. Like right after I was done recording, it did finalize, but there was some errors that I needed help from someone else to actually make the video get into Vegas. So that's why it came out a little more crappy quality then the others I did (I've been having problems with XSplit :/). That part just shook me I'm like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE NUGGETS?! XDDD