I'm going to make this post very short and simple.
My content is not meant for kids.
My twitter, instagram, youtube and any other social media I have is NOT meant for kids.
Please unfollow, block or whatever else you need to do if it's necessary for you to do so.
thank you,
You know, teh chidrens... they sees teh cat that is also tortle and is leik "Dats cute for kids lik me. I follo fr mor cute crazy's stuf," and teh parunts get the mads n blam you but ya seds "No of the criddles" on yor acount buts teh chids go nyhow an get teh tramaltizings. isnt not yors fault, rigt?
I'm not drunk! You're Merry Christmas, Crazy! So there!
Teh chidrenz... are not my responsibility (or mine lol). It's funny you bring that up, but if you're an active follower of mine on social media, you'd see I really don't post anything much of Turtlecat anywhere or anymore. I haven't in a long time. Like maybe once in a blue moon?? Even my own twitter/instagram/deviantart/youtube it's filled with other content.
If I was to make Turtlecat a comic or show, it would not be for kids. It'd be for older teens/young adults. Because there would be violence/fighting and some slight blood + language and sensitive subjects in it. I think Happy Tree Friends is a gooodd example of cute, cuddly like creatures that looks like it's for kids but... blood, gore death! XD
Turtlecat isn't what people think. When they first see it, people will make assumptions of the story, and the audience it's for too. Kinda makes me wanna get it out there more, so people know what it's actually about.
Merry Holidays to ya too buddie~! ?