So this has been bothering me for some time, and I’m not sure if anyone else is feeling this way.
The whole “PMA” thing with jack has really been rubbing me the wrong way since the beginning of this year.
What he is doing isn’t anything new, the whole positivity attitude thing, I’ve seen many MANY youtubers do before him.
It makes me cringe when I hear him say it, or just see it in general, because it feels fake and forced almost. To me it comes off as super unhealthy to be “overly positive”, to the point you’re literally trying to scream it into peoples faces in videos, and cover it on every social media.
I watched his vlog about the end of 2017 and this near year now, and he was crying about it, about how he was able to sit down and just think. How his mind started to race, he was just really thinking about stuff.
Literally asking himself if he was depressed (if you’re asking yourself that you most likely are, so please get help immediately).
t was nice he was open about it, and felt that he could trust people with those feelings openly not knowing them.
With this whole PMA thing he’s doing, I just feel he’s completely ignoring the problems he talked about, and just literally burying them under this new slogan thing.
Jack has done so many amazing things, and I know he cares a lot about people in general. He wants the best for everyone, I know he really does, but I feel what he is doing is damaging to himself.
If you’re not understanding what I am trying to say, I am saying I am worried.
I feel I am the only one who feels this way.
I was trying to keep this to myself, but it came to my mind again after watching Felix’s recent video.
Felix feels like one of the realist youtubers out there.
He used to be a person who used to force smiles and ‘positivity’.
He talked about how overtime it just made his so unhappy, and how he literally couldn’t do it anymore.
He understood there was a problem, and fixed it.
He finally became his own person, and honestly I am really happy for him.
He’s literally became one of my favorite YT’s because of his honesty with himself and us.
He is making the content he wants and likes.
This journal is in no way hating on Jack, I still love his content and what he has done.
He is an amazing person and has done amazing things, but again I am highly worried about this whole PMA trend that’s going on. It feels so so forced to me, and rubs me in the wrong way so so bad. ^^;
These are simply my thoughts and honest feelings about this all, and I simply wanted to talk about it and get it out (rant?).
You do not have to agree with me, but I am still curious to what ya’ll think about this whole PMA thing he’s doing.
Maybe because I’ve seen it done so many times by so many youtubers, at this point I just see it as fake and forced. ^^;
I won’t really ever know what is truly going on in Jack’s mind, but I hope if anything he is happy and mentally healthy.
I wish him nothing but luck in life. QvQ
I don't know what PMA means and I don't watch these folks on YT, so I'm mildly confused by what I just read. I mainly stick to channels that focus on video games history, music, trivia, and decisions, but not Let's Plays. There's only one LPer I watch on Youtube, except during GDQ events. I watch as many of those speedrunners as I can during both weeks. Other than that, I like music and animation channels... the real animation ones that emphasize cartoons, rather than a stationary, simplistic figure that rotates from about five different poses while chatting about his life.
PMA is short for "Positive Mental Attitude"... jesus even writing that out annoys me. Yeah sorry, I just dislike even seeing it or let alone hearing it. Hopefully that makes more sense to what I'm saying in this post. ^^;
I do watch other YouTubers besides for Let's Players. I like VSause, GameTheory, and I have some animations channels I watch here and there. Too many other channels I watch when I can, or simply have interests in watching. XD